Frequently Asked Questions

What are the new features of V3.0 of the Config Tool?

The New Features are:

  • Cabinets
    • Multiple Cabinets
    • Export / Import Cabinet (easy cabinet duplication)
    • Ability to Transfer Cabinets between users
    • Ability to regenerate API Token
  • Table Configurations
  • Combine Toys
    • Name Combos
    • Edit existing Combos
    • Extend number of combo items to 10
  • Port Assignments
    • Import/Export Device

Where can I find more information about the different toys?

Most details about the specific toys can by found in MJR's build guide, specifically :



ZB Launch Ball

ZB Launch Ball is described here:

Is there a tutorial on how to use the config tool?

There is no tutorial for the new site. - However, Terry Red published a tutorial for the legacy site 5 years ago. You can find it at

As the new version has all the functionality duplicated (and enhanced) - this might help you get started.

What API endpoints are available?

The 2 API points available are:

Version Check:


Config ZIP Download
